Dmytro Tus - Fullstack Web Developer

Hi! I'm Fullstack Developer (PHP, Laravel, ReactJs, VueJs)

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I am an experienced Web Developer with experience creating robust and scalable web applications since 2014.
I possess a high level of proficiency in PHP (Laravel, Slim, Lumen, Wordpress), databases (MySQL,PostgreSql), Docker, Javascript (ReactJs, Vue.js, VanilaJs, Jquery). I have non-commercial experience with NodeJs(NestJs) and React Native. I have an experience to work in big teams( up to 12 team members ) and small teams (2-3 members). I am familiar with using daily using Jira Confluence GitHub, CD/CI with GitLab and Jenkins.
I like to take responsibility. I know how to work alone and can also be part of the team. If you have a project I can help with or you’d like to learn more about me, please reach me out.

LinkedIn: This CV: My Blog: Gitlab: GitHub:

Work experience

Full Stack Web Developer

(NDA) Working under a non-disclosure agreement

1-st project. Custom application based on Slim PHP framework. Work with high load projects ( more than 1 mln users ).

Tech stack
  • Slim Framework v3, v4
  • Lumen Framework v8, v11
  • PhpUnit, Clover for PHP( for tests coverage )
  • Jenkins
  • PHP Data Objects for interacting with DB ( MySql )
  • AWS
  • DDD

2-nd project. The tool is for Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector. The tool handles products from database, also handles the data from external api, and compares this data. Also the big part of tool is analytics. The amount of data is large and working with app requires undertanding how to optimize database and cache.

Tech stack
  • JavaScript
  • VueJs 3 ( Composition API )
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • Laravel
  • InertiaJs
  • Microsoft Azure
  • PostrgreSQL

3-d project. The tool is for 3D Commerce sector. The tool is for managing 3d object files (USDZ/USD, GLB etc.) and it provides the tool when the customer can set the product from different combinations and see it in 3D.

Tech stack
  • JavaScript
  • VueJs 3 ( Composition API )
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • Laravel
  • InertiaJs
  • Microsoft Azure
  • PostrgreSQL
From 01-2023

Full Stack Web Developer (Laravel/VueJs) - Enterprise Metaverse Solutions

About project. The project is management system and backend for the applications in IOS and Android. There is web interface (SPA) inside the project as well. Application is able to store the data about hiking routes with POI's, Audiorecords in different languages, and 3D objects. And then, when the person comes close to POI, app plays audio and show 3D objects.

Tech stack
  • Laravel
  • VueJs( Options API )
  • InertiaJs
  • Laravel Jetstream
  • MySQL
  • Docker
  • PhpUnit_Testing
  • Amazon S3
  • Delevopment high load project in a Team ( 6 developers )
  • Management of project: Jira/Confluence/Gitlab
From 01-2022 to 01-2023

Full Stack Developer (Laravel/ReactJs/VueJs/DevOps)

f2f evolution

In my capacity as a Full Stack web developer, I have successfully undertaken a range of diverse projects, part of them are outlined as follows:

1-st project. The project where doctors can share medical cases between each other. The requirements included store large files (2-5 GB), privacy, e-mailing.

Tech stack
  • Laravel
  • ReactJs
  • Redux
  • Pusher
  • MySQL
  • Docker
  • Implementation: Creation and setup of the project on CentOs from the ground up

2-nd project. Developed a responsive Wordpress site based on an Adobe.XD file, starting from scratch. Using composer packages and developer custom plugins.

Tech stack
  • Wordpress
  • VanillaJs
  • JQuery
  • Sass
  • Understrap

3-d project. Various modifications and enhancements in Wordpress. Primarily involved in writing custom plugins to meet specific requirements

Tech stack
  • Wordpress
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
From 01-2020 till 01-2022

Full Stack Web Developer

(NDA) Working under a non-disclosure agreement

1-st project. Make UI for existing data. The data was in Contentful.

Tech stack
  • Contentful
  • Gatsby
  • JavaScript
  • RWD (Responsive Web Design)

2-nd project. E-Commerce project based on Wordpress WooCommerce. Made custom improvements according to clients needs.

Tech stack
  • Wordpress
  • WooCommerce
  • JQuery
  • PHP 7+
  • JavaScript
  • Node Package Manager
  • Composer
  • MySQL

3-d project. Blog based on Laravel and ReactJs. Worked close to content makers and SEO specialists.

Tech stack
  • Laravel
  • ReactJs
  • PHP 7+
  • JavaScript
  • SEO optimization techniques

4-th project. CMS for working with copywriters. This tool gives the possibility to approve/reject/edit a large amount of texts from different copywriters. Also count the budget and manage payments for the copywriters. Tool was used in a company which provides SEO services and link building.

Tech stack
  • Laravel
  • BladeTemplates
  • PHP 7+
  • Postman

5-st project. E-Commerce project. The internet store which was able to sell different products. Had an admin panel, own analytics, warehousing.

Tech stack
  • Laravel
  • ReactJs
  • PHP 7+
  • JavaScript
  • RWD (Responsive Web Design)
  • Node Package Manager
  • Composer
  • MySQL
  • OAuth

6-th project. Make UI for existing projects in Wordpress. Routing system was GraphQL.

Tech stack
  • Wordpress
  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • JavaScript
  • RWD (Responsive Web Design)
From 05-2015 till 11-2019


Below you can find the list of open source projects made by me

  • Laravel / Vietify project which implements the logic for movies filtering ( It was test task from some company ) 2024 Link
  • Service which saves tamplerature in database and notifies when the temperature is low 2024 Link
  • Simple package for composer. Will be developed more in the future. 2024 Link
  • App for creating web modules 2024 Link
  • Project news-api Built with Laravel + ReactJs 2024 Link
  • Laravel/DDD structure Link
  • ReactJs/Laravel-8.0/PHPUnit testing Link
  • Redis/NodeJs/Express Link
  • Guess Number Game (Laravel) Link
  • Fullstack JavaScript App Link
  • Docker/Laravel/VueJs Link
  • Docker Environment for Laravel 8 Link
  • One Project Makes Api requests to another Laravel/Laravel Link Request App Link Database App
  • Unit Tests practice Laravel Link
  • Find Difference App Link
  • Using module Filter in Server NGINX Link
  • Js anagrams Link
  • Gatsby Contentful Link
  • CRUD on Symfony Link
  • Menu using Typescript and Mobx Link
  • Drag and Drop Based on ReactJS Link
From 2015 till now


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Laravel 2019, the complete guide with real world projects. Kati Franz. (Udemy)
  • Git: become an Expert in Git & Github. VideoLab.(Udemy)
  • Local SEO Course: 10x Your Local Customers. Tyler Horvath (Udemy)


  • Extreme sports (snowboarding)Proof
  • BasketballProof
  • Cycling
  • Athletics
  • Travelling by car
  • Photography
  • Business

Foreign languages

  • ­ Ukrainian – native
  • ­ Polish – fluent knowledge in speech and writing
  • ­ English - fluent knowledge in speech and writing
  • ­ German - communicative knowledge in speech and writing
  • ­ French- communicative knowledge in speech